Business Optimist • Technology Realist • Old School Values

B2B Text Analytics Platform

  • text-analytics
  • Insights Platform
  • news platform
  • InsideView-Data-Science_01
  • Stand alone Agents
  • Mash Agents

Lead and launched text categorization platform processing 40k B2B news sources and 1.4M paired / classified articles (monthly) using nlp, text analytics, deep learning, and streaming pipelines. Increased precision and recall at the same time to 90% and 84% respectively. Team included 1 product owner, 2 SCRUM teams (12 data scientists / engineers), and 18 months of R&D. Foundation to entering B2B text IR category and new company signal monetization (as-a-service).

news platform

Stand alone Agents

Mash Agents

Insights Platform

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