Business Optimist • Technology Realist • Old School Values

2018 Goals

This year I decided to publish some of my 2018 top level goals and try to create a system (TBD) to help me keep track of all of these to keep me more accountable:


  1. Perform 3-5 days fast at least twice before EOY
  2. At least two 30 consecutive day no alcohol period
  3. 200 push ups per day on all non-gym days
  4. No more than 1 glass of wine per day Sunday through Thursday


  1. Diversify or invest at least 5% of net worth into something like FundersClub or MicroVentures
  2. Create a track for additional / passive income of at least $1000 per month
  3. Define and create a personal board of directors network
  4. Attend at least 1 Meetup or local event per month
  5. Give back via Everwise or ProductSchool / GA


  1. Publish what I am grateful for daily (can roll into the journal goal)
  2. Read at least 300 books to Aiden
  3. Complete all Kinder workbooks with Aiden
  4. Complete all flash cards with Aubree
  5. Date night at least once a month with Mary
  6. At least 2 weekend trips alone with Mary
  7. Create online portfolio website and customer acquisition strategy for TuNguyen.Designs
  8. Volunteer as a family at least once every quarter


  1. Publish journal at least 2 times per week
  2. Read at least 4 books
  3. Learn a 3rd language (French) via Duolingo app
  4. Write down my Principles (top level) ala Ray Dalio (create a systemic way to review failed projects / engagements (monthly) and parse out the lessons learned
  5. 1 week (6 consecutive days) out a month is rice and beans only




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