Business Optimist • Technology Realist • Old School Values

Go to Work!

On Friday I found out that Sean Adams passed away at 46 from a heart attack, leaving behind 2 kids, his wife, and many Austinites who count on his positive energy every morning.  Like many, I was shocked and saddened that a seemingly healthy guy could pass away at such a young age.  Sean Adams was one of the first radio personalities I found when we moved to the ATX back in 2012.  He was different because his passion for people was always evident even while talking Texas sports.  He always shared anecdotes about living a positive (and ACTIONABLE) life and it was contagious.  I always thought that this passion must have been incredible because he left a seemingly stable and great corporate job to cover sports and radio (which we all know can be a brutal and unglamorous job).  All to create a platform to reach a broader audience for his positive life message.  It's a passion I have been looking for in my own life.  I have to use this moment to reflect and improve with key actionable takeaways:

  1. Don't think, just do.  Lately, I have been over analyzing and I need to create momentum by taking on a lot of small actions.  Hence this journal to keep me accountable.
  2. Tell love ones you love them every time you think of it.  I do a poor job at this and feel like actions = words, but I need to realize sometimes words = words...say it out loud.
  3. Discomfort and fear creates progress.  Sean Adams had the courage to leave a high paying corp job to create his own platform to enable positive life messages and Texas sports just happened to be the medium.  Do something every week that makes me uncomfortable.  What would you do if you weren't afraid?
  4. Sometimes it's easier to form an opinion / hypothesis and filter incoming signal that aligns to that opinion to validate (biased confirmation).  This prevents creativity, blocks learning, and stunts ideas.  Create chaos, iterate.  

Thoughts of the day:

"The dream is free, the hustle is sold separately.  Go to work!" - Sean Adams

A quote I have been thinking about a lot from Ray Dalio that articulates this exact moment well..."Pain plus reflection equals progress"



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