Business Optimist • Technology Realist • Old School Values

The New Norm

Daily posts seem ambitious.  For now, I will focus only on 2 posts weekly 1)  Monday, to set and establish goals for the week and 2) Friday, to reflect on pain, progress, and successes.


  • Finish 3 "National Geographic Books" (~100 pages each) with Aiden
  • Spend 3 hours of alone time with Aubree (park, library, etc...)

What if I wasn't afraid:

  • Build a list of 5 local VC's and establish value prop for connecting
  • Reach out to 3 sports analytics companies and establish value prop for connecting


Quote of the week:

As an extension from Ray Dalio's "Meaningful Relationships"...something I believe in deeply but have not created a large enough circle:

"There really isn’t anything like going through a painful process with someone or a group of people to forge the bonds of friendship, loyalty, and trust that make for great professional and personal relationships.
When I look for partners in a business deal, I always start with the folks who I’ve been through tough times with. Because I know that they will hang with me again, just like they did the last time." - Brad Feld



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