Business Optimist • Technology Realist • Old School Values

Portfolio Category: Data

Data science as a service (sales/marketing)

Incubated expert sales and marketing 'data science services' offerings to drive roadmap discovery prioritization while learning monetization models.  Created GTM enablement strategy and execution.  Example packages included: TAM definitions (who could / should I be selling to?) ICP optimizations (what niche company characteristics influence my win rates?) Market insights and monitoring (which companies are expanding…
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Contact data quality

Incubated concepts for human-in-the-loop pipelines and data driven segmentation strategies to increase contact data quality to 90% accuracy (from 80%).  Primary driver for NPS growth (+10) in 18 months (2017).  Key modules include: Employment churn predictors models using LightGBM on features like: company size, industry, distinct companies, employment history, function, level, etc...) Confidence score ranking models…
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B2B Vertical Data Network

Created a supplier pipeline of 50 vertical data partners across categories (and eventual M&A pipeline):  Government, CRE, HealthCare, Commercial Banking, Telecom, Manufacturing, etc...  Responsible for performing net new market analysis, outreach, and deal making.  Built GTM enablement and packaging strategies with $750k in services ACV within first 9 months (2017).
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MVP: Content Analytics and Recommender

Developed MVP product (mongodb, python, angular.js, and d3.js) to monetize Demand Media data assets and analytics (insights) for content partners by recommending strategies (weekly / monthly) across entire content lifecycle: creation, publishing, distribution. Created initial charter cohort of 5 brand advertisers to license product and service. Built a pipeline from 100M monthly UU's from the…
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